Monday, January 25, 2010

Oh.... Strep

So far this cold and flu season, we've avoided the flu, the swine flu, the avian flu, chicken pox, monkey pox, and most other dreadful diseases.

It was too good to last.

Saturday night, you went to be about 8:30.  At 9 p.m., I hear a croupy cough coming from your room.  At 9:30, I hear, "Mommy!  My throat hurts!"

I got you some ice chips to suck on and rocked you back to sleep.  In the morning, you slept in until almost 9:30.  I had you open your mouth and I saw them.  Little red spots - all over the back of your throat.  All.  Over.  Just like right before your birthday...


I called the pediatrician's exchange -- which made me realize that was the first time since you've been born that I've called your doctor after hours or on the weekend.  So for that I was EXTREMELY thankful.  (Either you're one healthy little kid... or you only get sick during office hours.)  The nurse told me what to watch for and how to keep you comfortable.  You were fine all day until bedtime.  You had a hard time falling asleep (maybe it was the three hour nap!).  And your throat hurt.  About 10 p.m., I went in to check on you -- you surprised me by asking, "Can I have some ice chips and can we rock?"  (Just a note: I will NEVER turn you down when you ask me to rock.  Ever.)

You stayed home with Daddy today.  Luckily, Dr. A. said you had a mild case... so with a little amoxycilin, you should be good to go.

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