Monday, December 7, 2009

Wobbly Tooth Update

Still wobbly.  But still attached.

You go through phases with it.  Some moments you want it out IMMEDIATELY.  Then, when Daddy or I go to check it, you hide in the couch not wanting us to come near you.  Then 15 minutes later you return with, "I'm ready for it to come out NOW."

Not even one down... how many more to go?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A NEW Molly Paige First!

You really surprised me today, Molly...

When I picked you up from school, you ran up to me with wide eyes.  "Guess what, Mommy?  I have a loose tooth!"

"Really?" I asked, not quite believing you. 

And you took your bottom tooth and wobbled it like crazy.

And my eyes welled up.

This is one of those first that I never really thought about... didn't really think it would be that big of a deal.  But it's an amazing reminder of how much you are growing and changing every day.  I miss you as a baby and toddler, but I love the wonderful young girl you've become.

(Oh yeah, and then you mentioned that you hope the tooth fairy brings you a dollar.  I guess I have to check the going rate on teeth...)